The W.O.D.
10 Hand Release Pushups
20 Deadlifts 235/145
30 Burpees
40 Box Jumps 24"
50 Kettle Bell Swings 45/30
60 Ab Mat Sit-ups
70 Air Squats
800 meter run
1 Chest to bar pull-up
... and do this as fast as possible
The Challenge
Find someone to do this workout with and race them to the finish. Find someone who will make you work harder than you ever could have alone. Find someone who sparks your competitive drive.
It's the weekend of Memorial Day and I came home to spend time with the family. Today my sister and I went to the gym and did this workout together and let me tell you, a little sibling competition can go a long way. This summer I have been doing a lot of workouts on my own but nothing compares to having someone to push you through your workout.
I understand that when life gets hectic, it can be hard to schedule workouts with a friend and it is easy to head to gym alone to get a quick workout in. I would strongly encourage you, whenever you have time, to do a competitive workout with a friend or a complete stranger for all I care. All that matters is that you find someone who will make you work harder than you ever could have alone.
If you are an endurance athlete, the best way to get faster is to do high intensity workouts with someone who can push you. If you are a crossfitter or are strength training, bring a friend who will make you lift heavier and go harder. The more the merrier. Having a workout partner also makes you more likely to show up to show up to the gym, have better form, and make healthier choices in general. I can validate that. Get competitive and make improvements.
Here are the results from the workout today, I dare you and a friend to try and beat our combined time.
Time 1 12:27
Time 2 14:40
Combined Time of 26:57
No cheating on the burpees, full extension on the box jumps, and no joking around with that last pull-up.